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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Food plan update

As you remeber in this post I told you about some changes in my diet. I don't call it a diet, because it is not a diet. It is more of a food plan that helps me eat healthy and enough good foods to stay strong and build muscle. When I have told people about this, their first reaction is negative, because they think I am on a diet to loose weight. Most people say Im too skinny to be on a diet, but when I tell them what it really is, then they understand a bit better. 

In this post will give you an update on my feelings about the changes in my eating. 

So now I have been following my food plan for five weeks. Twice I have allowed my self to eat something that does not belong to the plan, and each time I have gotten stomach pain...

At first, when I started the plan I thought the amount of food was so much. I was eating all the time and constantly buying loads of bananas and carrots. But in a few days my body started adapting to the changes, and the amount of food did not feel that much anymore. Now it feels like I get exactly the right amount of food that my body needs. The food plan is flexible in a sense that I don't have to eat the same things every day. It is easy to make the same food in a different way, just by changing the spices for instance.

The only difficulties I have had with the plan is that I feel like I am cooking all the time :D Also changes in my daily routines might change the order of what I eat.

Over all I have been feeling very good. It is easy not to have to plan what food to make today, since it is all given in the plan. I also only buy what I need, and leave all extra crap in the grocery shop. 

Muistatte miten tässä postauksessa kerroin ruokavalion muutoksestani. Nyt olen seurannut uutta ruokavalio-ohjelmaani viisi viikkoa. Kaksi kertaa olen syönyt mitä on tehnyt mieli, mutta joka kerta on tullut huono olo ja vatsakipuja. Ruokavalio on ollut helppo, vaikka aluksi ajattelin että herranjestas, miten kykenen syömään näin paljon! Olen kantanut suuria määriä banaaneja ja porkkanoita kotiin, mutta kaikki on ollut sen arvoista. Olo on hyvä, eikä tarvitse miettiä mitä ruokaa seuraavaksi tekisi. Ainoa ongelma jonka olen kohdannut on se kun päivän aikatauluni poikkeavat normaalista. Esimerkiksi jos minulla on töiden jälkeen ohjelmaa, enkä pääse heti kotiin syömään kunnon ruokaa. Silloin olen säätänyt hieman ruokaohjelmaa, ja vaihtanut hieman ruokailujen paikkoja.

Aion jatkaa ohjelmaa yksinkertaisesti sen takia että olo on todella hyvä. Suuremmat muutokset ulkonäöllisesti tapahtuu varmaan vasta muutaman kuukauden kuluttua :) 

Ruokavalio on tilattu Lindalta :)

Even though I feel good with this food plan, I think it will take time to start to see any bigger changes. This is only five weeks, so maybe in two moths there will be bigger visible changes. 

Anyhow, I will be continuing the diet as it is, just because it is easy and I feel good.

The food plan is ordered from Linda :)

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