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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Training pants

The other day at the gym I noticed my training pants had broken! They are truly my favourite, so comfortable and stretchy :( Anyway, so I had to try to find another pair. I went to H&M and found a perfect pair! Nowadays there are very good training clothes in many clothing shops, like H&M and Gina Tricot. I like to have good looking and comfortable (also good quality) training clothes, but I don't think I need to spend a fortune on them. Especially when you can find good training clothes for good prices elsewhere.

My new training pants from H&M at €24,90.

Uudet treenihousut H&M:stä á 24,90 €.

Toissa päivää salilla huomasin että treenipöksyni olivat tevennet...Ne olivat lempipöksyni ja harmitti tosi paljon. Kävin seuraavana päivänä H&M:ssä kattomassa josko sieltä löytyisi sopivat. Ja sieltähän ne löytyi! Vaikka tykkään että salivaatteeni on kivan näköiset ja mukavat, en halua laittaa niihin pientä omaisuutta. Siksi onkin hyvä että H&M, Gina Tricot ja muut halvemmat puljut niitä myy sopivaan hintaan. Treenivaatteet kuitenkin kuluvat, joten niitä joutuu kuitenkin ostamaan uusia aina vähän väliä :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Camo Cool #2

These pictures are taken one late evening when we came back home from the gym. Me and my boyfriend we started just taking loads of pictures of each other, and I had to try on his camo coat. I ended up getting the coat for myself since he admitted it is actually a little bit too small for him (and will apparently get even smaller when his muscles grow :P ). I said I will keep it until I find the perfect camo coat for myself ;)

Nämö hieman nuhjuiset kuvat on otettu yhtenä iltana viime viikolla kun tulimme poikaystäväni kanssa myöhään illalla salilta kotiin. Ruvettiin vaan räpsimään levottomassa väsymyksessä toisistamme kuvia, ja halusin saada kuvia hänen camo takki päälläni. Olen pitänyt tästä takista jo todella pitkään, ja sainkin sen omaksi kun hän myönsi että se on hieman liian pieni hänelle (ja pienenee kuulemma entisestään kun lihakset vielä kasvavat lisää ;P). Lupasin palauttaa sen kun olen löytänyt itselleni täydellisen camo takin.

I am also thinking about getting that third piercing in my ear... The only thing holding me back is how to sleep with the piercing. I always sleep on my side, and the second ear piercing is already sometimes pressing my ear during my sleep. Let's see...

Olen taas miettinyt kolmannen reijän ottamisen toiseen korvistani. Ainut asia joka mietityttää on miten se vaikuttaa nukkumiseeni...nukun nimittäin aina sivullani, ja korvikset painavat nyt jo välillä korvaani nukkuessani. Korviksia pitää kuitenkin pitää koko ajan alussa, jottei reijät kasva umpeen.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Watch the time?

New watch. The bulky manly watch trend has been going strong for a long time now. I have three watches with a thick band, so I was happy to find this very pretty watch with a thin band. It is rose gold and almost like a piece of jewellery. They also had the same one in silver and gold colours. It would have been nice to have them all.

Uusi kello! Paksujen ja miehekkäiden kellojen trendi on jatkunut jo pitkään, ja minulla onkin jo kolme isoa kelloa, joten halusin niihin täyden vastakohdan. Tämä on ohut ja pieni, simppeli korumainen kello, joka on vielä täydellisen värinen! Näitä oli kyllä hopeisena ja kultaisena, ja olisi ollut siistiä ottaa kaikki kolme väriä :P

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Barbie pink and #Rubberducks

Finally weekend! On Friday we had the housewarming party of my brother and his girlfriend. I had my nails done before we went there and this time I went for a very Barbie pink. Simple and safe, but I love it. 

Vihdoin viikonloppu! Perjantaina meillä oli veljeni ja hänen tyttöystävän tuparit, ja ennen sitä kävin kynsihuollossa. Tällä kertaa halusin tutun ja turvallisen pinkin :)

I tried a new hairdo. Also very simple and easy to make. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the outfit, since we were already late when my ride came...

Halusin illaksi kokeilla uutta kampausta. Tämä oli helppo ja tyylikäs. Asukin vaihtui pari kertaa, mutta asukuvia en ehtiny saamaan sillä olimme jo myöhässä kun kyytini tuli...

This day on the other hand has been the most dull and rainy ever :S So I was wearing comfy shoes and a faux fur. I love my Rubber duck shoes, they are so comfortable and warm. Currently I am at mom's place relaxing and enjoying the company.

Tänään on taas ollut todella harmaa ja sateinen sää, joten pistin päälleni mukavat kengät ja tekoturkiksen. Nämä kengät ovat todella mukavat ja juuri sopivat tähän säähän. Tällä hetkellä olen äidillä rentoutumassa.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Silk'n ReVit

I rarely go to spa treatments to have facials. I don't have the time to do that, and it is expensive if you want to have facial treatments regularly. I believe that you can do a lot at home with the right products and the right equipment. I invested in a Diamond Microdermabrasion device to be able to take care of my skin. I have also gotten some acne scars recently. I have always had a good skin, but for some reason my skin has been a bit out of balance, so I am trying to get it back to what it was :)

I have tried the device twice now so I can't say that much yet. 

Käyn harvemmin kasvohoidoissa sillä minulla ei ole aikaa, eikä rahaa käydä säännöllisesti, jotta pystyisin ylläpitämään ihon kuntoa parhaiten. Investoin siis timanttihiontalaitteeseen, jota pystyy käyttää helposti kotona. Se on periaatteessa sama kuin mitä kauneushoitolat käyttää, mutta tulee halvemmaksi ajan mittaan. Haluan hoitaa ihoani mahdollisimman hyvin, etenkin nyt kun muutamat aknearvet vaivaavat minua. Olen kokeillut laitetta kaksi kertaa, joten en osaa tarkemmin kertoa kokemuksia, mutta perus timanttihionnalta tuntuu :) Kerron lisää kun saan tuloksia! 

This is what it says at their website:

ReVit is a microdermabrasion tool that combines gentle microdermabrasion exfoliation with vacuum stimulation to reduce the appearance of age spots, fine lines and acne scars.
-Removes dead skin cells to achieve a flawless complexion.
-Gentle tip exfoliation to improve skin tone, texture and elasticity.
-Reduces the appearance of age spots, fine lines and acne scars.
-Vacuum stimulation for smoother and youthful looking skin.

 I am skeptic about these things, but I do also think it is good for my skin over time. In stead of going to a spa to have a diamond peel, I have it at home at any time!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Camo Cool

I have been following the New York fashion week and I got a little inspired. I have never been a huge fan of camo pattern, probably because green is not one of my fave colours. But even though Kim Kardashion got some criticism for her Yeezy outfit, I fell in love with the outfit and think it is pretty cool! Especially the combination of the camo coat and the heels and leggings. So I made an outfit inspired by Kim. 

Camo Cool

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Food plan update

As you remeber in this post I told you about some changes in my diet. I don't call it a diet, because it is not a diet. It is more of a food plan that helps me eat healthy and enough good foods to stay strong and build muscle. When I have told people about this, their first reaction is negative, because they think I am on a diet to loose weight. Most people say Im too skinny to be on a diet, but when I tell them what it really is, then they understand a bit better. 

In this post will give you an update on my feelings about the changes in my eating. 

So now I have been following my food plan for five weeks. Twice I have allowed my self to eat something that does not belong to the plan, and each time I have gotten stomach pain...

At first, when I started the plan I thought the amount of food was so much. I was eating all the time and constantly buying loads of bananas and carrots. But in a few days my body started adapting to the changes, and the amount of food did not feel that much anymore. Now it feels like I get exactly the right amount of food that my body needs. The food plan is flexible in a sense that I don't have to eat the same things every day. It is easy to make the same food in a different way, just by changing the spices for instance.

The only difficulties I have had with the plan is that I feel like I am cooking all the time :D Also changes in my daily routines might change the order of what I eat.

Over all I have been feeling very good. It is easy not to have to plan what food to make today, since it is all given in the plan. I also only buy what I need, and leave all extra crap in the grocery shop. 

Muistatte miten tässä postauksessa kerroin ruokavalion muutoksestani. Nyt olen seurannut uutta ruokavalio-ohjelmaani viisi viikkoa. Kaksi kertaa olen syönyt mitä on tehnyt mieli, mutta joka kerta on tullut huono olo ja vatsakipuja. Ruokavalio on ollut helppo, vaikka aluksi ajattelin että herranjestas, miten kykenen syömään näin paljon! Olen kantanut suuria määriä banaaneja ja porkkanoita kotiin, mutta kaikki on ollut sen arvoista. Olo on hyvä, eikä tarvitse miettiä mitä ruokaa seuraavaksi tekisi. Ainoa ongelma jonka olen kohdannut on se kun päivän aikatauluni poikkeavat normaalista. Esimerkiksi jos minulla on töiden jälkeen ohjelmaa, enkä pääse heti kotiin syömään kunnon ruokaa. Silloin olen säätänyt hieman ruokaohjelmaa, ja vaihtanut hieman ruokailujen paikkoja.

Aion jatkaa ohjelmaa yksinkertaisesti sen takia että olo on todella hyvä. Suuremmat muutokset ulkonäöllisesti tapahtuu varmaan vasta muutaman kuukauden kuluttua :) 

Ruokavalio on tilattu Lindalta :)

Even though I feel good with this food plan, I think it will take time to start to see any bigger changes. This is only five weeks, so maybe in two moths there will be bigger visible changes. 

Anyhow, I will be continuing the diet as it is, just because it is easy and I feel good.

The food plan is ordered from Linda :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Black track

Black track

Even though the weather has been very sunny and warm today, I feel like wearing something like this. Very chill and sporty, but with the faux fur giving some edge to the outfit. I also like the backpack very much :)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Shoes #1

I thought I'd make a post about my shoes. I have a fair amount of shoes, so I will make a separate post about my sneakers and pumps later. This one will be about shoes I use when it is colder. As I have said before, I usually buy leather shoes and try to maintain them by taking them to the cobbler. When it comes to heels and sneakers or flats, they don't necessarily have to be leather, but boots, they have to! 

These high heeled ankle boots I bought from Zara in the fall. They are very comfortable to walk in and the heel hight is just perfect, not too high and not too low. I have added a padded insole to make them even more comfortable. I have also had the cobbler put an outer sole to make them less slippery and more long-lasting. 

These Depeche shoes I bought last winter if I remember right. They are nubuck leather and one of my most used ankle boots. They are super comfortable to walk in the whole day. They also go with everything.

My Bianco biker boots are also very popular for my feet. I think I bought them last spring. They also go with everything :)

These Aldo boots I bought before Christmas, so I have not used them that much. But I think I will be using them a lot in the spring. 

These Zara spring boots I found in the sale after Christmas. Can't wait to use them. They are also leather.

These leather boots from H&M are very old, a few years at least. I have not used them that much, I don't know why. But they are a very classic model.

These are the only artificial leather boots I have. And I just looked at them and they are looking a bit dodgy...maybe they need a new home.

These I bought in the fall and they are one of my absolute faves. Comfortable, classic and stylish! I just had the cobbler put a better outer sole and heelpiece. They were a bit slippery both outside on snow and inside on marble floors. But not anymore thanks to my cobbler.

The Park West shoes are old. I have used them a lot as you see.

The Pollini's are a new find I did at Stockmann some weeks ago. They are perfect for cold wearher and super comfortable. The material in these is suede.

The Svea boots are from last winter. I have used them a lot and they are very warm.

These Caterpillars I have not used that much since the winter has not been that snowy. They are also very heavy :D

My Vagabonds are very old, probably about 6 years :D I don't use them that much anymore, just if I want a little edge in an outfit.

My DinSko nubuck leather shoes are very much used. Perfect for spring.

Last but not least my newest family member. These are exactly what I have been looking for and they are perfect. Can't wait to use them when the streets clear from snow :)

I feel like I have a shoe for every outfit, but there are still a few shoe types and colours I would like to have :) Then I will be happy with my collection!