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Friday, October 16, 2015

Autumn is here...

So autumn is here. I have taken all my warm fall coats in to use, since the leather jackets are slightly too thin for me in this weather. I have been trying to get used to the dark mornings, but it will still take some time before the darkness feels normal again.  Maybe before christmas, which is here soon! 

Oh god, I can't believe I am writing about christmas...but let's see what happens this christmas. We are not having the normal family christmas this year, so maybe we will travel somewhere or something. I really feel like I need sun and warmth after the bad summer.

This Friday was a casual Friday for me. Knit and sneakers is never wrong, especially if the sneakers are Nike Air Maxes :P I thought I would wear them white sneakers before the rainy slushy days come. Now the weather has been so nice and I don't want my nikes to get all dirty.

I was very comfortable today in this outfit :)
What do you think about my outfit combo?


  1. tulkaa tänne jouluks!!!! joooooooooo!!!!!!!

    1. Haha :D ei sitä koskaan tiedä, joulu kesällä oiski aika jännä!
