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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Nail stuff


I have been very busy, thats why I have not been posting...

I have been having gel nails for a while now. Last week two of the nails were going to drop from my fingers. I did not have the time to go to the salon to fix them, so I ripped them off, all of them. The result was very ugly. I have had trouble finding time to go fix the nails, so I asked my sister to do the gel polish. I actually like the result and I might continue with this!

Sunday, June 21, 2015


The midsummer this year I decided to spend with my family at our summer cottage in Savonlinna. The weather forecast did not look so promising in all of Finland, so I thought that I can as well go there to relax. We packed rain coats and warm clothes. We did not need any of them since there was no rain at all. Half sun and about 20 degrees. I even spent some time in my bikinis :) I was also happy that I had the courage to go swimming i the lake in the evening when we were bathing in the sauna. 

Monday, June 8, 2015


I took my outfit pictures quickly today with my phone. The quality is not the best but you get the idea. The white blouse and the shoes are from Zara, the beige top from Guess, and the rest has been on the blog before :) The look was completed by putting my hair up to a tight bun.

Nappasin päivän asukuvat nopeasti kameralla. Laatu on huono, mutta saatte idean. Valkoinen paita ja kengät ovat Zarasta, beige toppi Guessiltä, ja loput on näkynyt blogissa aikaisemmin. Lookin viimeisteli tiukka nuttura :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ohoy sailor!

This is my "sailor" inspired outfit from the other day. We went to the shops and out to eat, a relaxed Saturday.

Tässä edellispäivän merihenkinen asu. Käytiin hieman kaupoilla ja syömässä, viettämässä rentoa lauantaipäivää.

Today I have been at mom's place enjoying the weather. I did some chores, like cutting the grass. But the weirdest and slightly scary thing I did was to cut the nails (!) of the rooster. It is not actually the nail, but the weird kicking hook behind the feet that had grown so long. Mom managed to catch the rooster, and then I took hold of the weird nail thing and cut it short. It was sooooo hard to cut and I was a bit scared the rooster would kick me or something. But he was fairly calm, just looking around :P 

Olen tänään ollut äidillä nauttimasta säästä. Tein vähän hommia, kuten ruohonleikkuuta. Mutta sain myös tehtäväkseni mitä oudoimman homman. Leikkasin nimittäin kukon kynnet!!! Tai oikeastaan ne oli kannukset, ne potkuaseet jotka sillä on jalkojen takana...Äiti otti kukon kiinni ja minä otin jalasta kiinni ja leikkasin kannuksen lyhyemmäksi. Kannus oli niin kova että en meinannut saada sitä poikki, ja pelkäsin että kukko potkaisee tai raapaisee. Kukko oli kuitenkin aika rauhallinen ja katseli vain ympärilleen. Saimme kannukset lopulta leikattua lyhyemmiksi :)  

Hello there!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Friday friends

Yesterday I met some friends in the city for a glass of wine. For the first time this year I was wearing sandals. It was warm enough and I did not freeze at all. I love furry knits (maybe you have noticed), and I just counted that I have five furry knits in my closet :D They are just so warm and cozy!

Käytiin eilen illalla ystävien kanssa terdellä. Jalkaan pääsi ensimmäisen kerran tänä vuonna sandaalit. Onneksi oli lämmin ja tarkenin oikein hyvin. Olette varmaan huomanneet että mulla riittää näitä karvaisia neuleita. Laskin tänään että karvaneuleita löytyy kaapista yhteensä viisi kappaletta :D