I rarely go to spa treatments to have facials. I don't have the time to do that, and it is expensive if you want to have facial treatments regularly. I believe that you can do a lot at home with the right products and the right equipment. I invested in a Diamond Microdermabrasion device to be able to take care of my skin. I have also gotten some acne scars recently. I have always had a good skin, but for some reason my skin has been a bit out of balance, so I am trying to get it back to what it was :)
I have tried the device twice now so I can't say that much yet.
Käyn harvemmin kasvohoidoissa sillä minulla ei ole aikaa, eikä rahaa käydä säännöllisesti, jotta pystyisin ylläpitämään ihon kuntoa parhaiten. Investoin siis timanttihiontalaitteeseen, jota pystyy käyttää helposti kotona. Se on periaatteessa sama kuin mitä kauneushoitolat käyttää, mutta tulee halvemmaksi ajan mittaan. Haluan hoitaa ihoani mahdollisimman hyvin, etenkin nyt kun muutamat aknearvet vaivaavat minua. Olen kokeillut laitetta kaksi kertaa, joten en osaa tarkemmin kertoa kokemuksia, mutta perus timanttihionnalta tuntuu :) Kerron lisää kun saan tuloksia!
This is what it says at their website:
ReVit is a microdermabrasion tool that combines gentle microdermabrasion exfoliation with vacuum stimulation to reduce the appearance of age spots, fine lines and acne scars.
-Removes dead skin cells to achieve a flawless complexion.
-Gentle tip exfoliation to improve skin tone, texture and elasticity.
-Reduces the appearance of age spots, fine lines and acne scars.
-Vacuum stimulation for smoother and youthful looking skin.
I am skeptic about these things, but I do also think it is good for my skin over time. In stead of going to a spa to have a diamond peel, I have it at home at any time!