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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One day you're in, the next day you're out

I want to share a list on what currently is in and what is out. I want to keep it fashionable and fun, and not focus only on fashion trends, but anything that goes on around us :)


Normal eyebrows

For the last few years the ultimate trend has been the thick bushy eyebrow. Not anymore! We still like the natural look, but slightly plucked in to a medium sized normal eyebrow. No thanks to the thick unibrow, we want balance in the face :)

Natural looking nails

Nails are often something many women want as glittery as possible. But to be looking trendy, classy and not trashy you should go for the natural look and one coloured.

Being kind to others

This might sound silly, but nowadays it is very common to come across some nasty bullying online, as well as fighting on webpages and other social media sites. Be kind to others and you will definitely be in! :)


Fake leather

Theres nothing more unappealing than artificial leather bags or shoes. Before when I used to buy artificial leather shoes or bags I got so disappointed when they broke so fast. I have thrown away too many artificial leather products. Who wouldn't want to buy something that lasts longer. Your wallet will thank you in the long run, especially nowadays when you can get good quality leather shoes and bags from more affordable shops like H&M and Zara. 


Yes, peplum, in any form at any part of your clothes. I used to like peplum when the trend came out, but it did not last for long. I remember reading an article about what guys think about women's fashion, and every guy in the article hated peplum, simply because it makes women shapeless. When I read that I realised that it is true. Rarely does a peplum top enhance the best curves of the woman body, it just covers it.

Big Platforms

 The Jeffrey Campbell platform shoe trend is long gone. You don't want your feet looking as big as your head anymore. 

Pics from Google

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pink Plaid

My new favourite pink nude lipstick MAC Pink Plaid.

Uusi lempi huulipunani, MAC Pink Plaid.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday healthies

I haven't made any Polyvore outfits lately, and as I entered Polyvore today I remembered why I really like the website. It is so easy to make your own outfit before you wear it! If you don't find the piece you want in your outfit, you can just add it to polyvire through the "clip to polyvore tool".  So easy to plan your outfits and get some inspiration! This is what I would want to wear now :)

En ole käynyt Polyvoressa aikoihin. Kun nyt siellä taas kävin, muistin miksi pidän siitä nettisivusta niin paljon. Siellä on niin helppo tehdä omat asut etukäteen, ja saada inspiraatiota omiin asuihin. Siellä voi periaatteessa tehdä oman asunsa ihan kokonaan, lisäämällä netistä tarkalleen omat vaatteet, jos niitä ei siellä vielä löydy. Tämän asun haluaisin nyt pistää päälle :)


Blackgrey by Joseph1ne

In this post I told about my daily vitamins. I forgot to add the MSM powder that I take every morning. I wrote about MSM and it's benefits earlier in this post. I have been taking MSM now for about a year, and I have not been sick since. I've had some small flues, but not that often and not anything worse. At some point a few ears ago I used to be sick very often. 

Recently I have added the applecidervinegar to my diet. It is good for your stomach, it lowers the cholesterol and lowers your blood sugars. It can be used externally and internally and has so many benefits. When you use applecidervinegar you have to make sure it is the right kind. 

Tässä postauksessa kerroin aamuisista vitamiineistani. Unohdin postauksesta MSM-jauheen, jota juon joka aamu. MSM:stä kirjoitin tässä postauksessa. Olen ottanut MSM:ää nyt suurinpiirtein vuoden verran, enkä ole ollut kunnolla sairaana tuona aikana. Jotain pikkuflunssaa on ollut, mutta ei sen pahempaa.

Äskettäin lisäsin omenasiiderietikan ruokavaliooni. Omenaviini-/omenasiiderietikka on todella terveellistä ja sitä voi käyttää sekä sisäisesti että ulkoisesti. Omenasiiderietikan pitää kuitenkin olla oikenlaatuista kuumentamatonta versiota, jotta se on hyödyllisintä.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Nails and scents

This week passed very fast, even if I have been a bit tired. Im just happy we are going towards lighter and warmer times. But for now we should enjoy the weekend!

Today I got my nails done, and as you can see, I went for a very nice and safe brown colour. The brown nails trend is hitting me very hard. I like it. It is very classy and mature, but still fashionable.

I have been having an Issey Miyake perfume unused on my shelf for a long time. I have not been using it because the bottle was a refill bottle, and I did not have the original bottle left anymore to fill with it. For a long time I have been looking for something to put the perfume in, and luckily I now found it! I found this bottle in Tiger shop and thought that this is the closest I will get to find a nice spray bottle for the perfume.

Finnish translation will come up later...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Boot cuffs

Some weeks ago I found something I never thought I would buy. But since I got them for a ridiculous price, I decided to try them. Faux fur boot cuffs can be a really easy way to add a little something to an otherwise simple outfit, or just to change the look of your shoes.

Muutama viikko sitten löysin jotakin jota en uskonut ostavani. Mutta koska sain ne todella halvalla, päätin kokeilla. En tiedä näille suomen kielistä nimeä, mutta jotkut nilkkaturkishärpäkkeet ne ovat :D Mielestäni hauska tapa piristää muuten simppeliä asua ja muuttaa eri kenkien ulkonäköä!

Boot cuffs - H&M
Shoes - Zara

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lights in my room

Finally I got my bedroom light! I love it! :D

Vihdoin sain lamppuni makkariin! :D

Wat do you think?

Mitä mieltä olet lampusta?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Food changes

I told you before how I am going to do some changes in my diet. So here comes.

I have always been fairly healthy, without being too tough on my self. I have been eating regular food, and allowed myself to have some treats when I feel like it, mostly in the weekends. I like to try new healthier things, and I try not to eat so much sugar. I also like to take vitamins and try superfoods that can improve and maintain a good health.

I needed some kind of structure in my diet in order to gain more muscle strength and get even healthier. So I contacted Linda, who's blog I have been reading for many years. She is a personal trainer, and she seems like a very determined person. She is also a very inspirational fitness person. I asked Linda to make me a food plan according to my needs and goals. So today it starts, the new food plan! (I don't want to call it diet, since I get to eat A LOT of food and will definitely not be starving). The food plan has almost no dairy products, so I will be looking forward to how my body reacts to that.

Here is the starting point, not training since christmas. In the last picture you also see the vitamins I take every morning: Vitamin-D, Zink, Omega-3 fish liver oil, apple cider vinegar and pure aloe vera.

Kerroin aikaisemmassa postauksessa että ruokavaliooni tulee muutos. Olen aina pyrkinyt syömään terveellisesti, ilman että olisin liian ankara itselleni. Kun minun on tehnyt mieli jotakin, niin olen sitä syönyt. Olen kuitenkin pyrkinyt noudattamaan sääntöä, että herkuttelu jää viikonloppuun, ja viikot ovat terveellisempiä. Pyrin myös välttämään liikaa sokeria. Olen myös ollut innokas superfoodien ja vitamiinien testaaja ja käyttäjä.

Halusin kuitenkin uuden struktuurin ruokailuuni jotta saisin treeneistäni kaikki irti, kasvattaen hieman lihasmassaa ja lihaserottuvuutta. Otin siis yhteyttä Lindaan jonka blogia olen lukenut pitkään. Hän on personal trainer ja hyvin inspiroiva urheilija. Hän teki minulle ruokavalion joka tukisi tarpeitani ja tavoitteitani. Ruokavaliosta sen enempää paljastamatta, voin kertoa että maitotuotteet on jätetty melkein kokonaan pois ja en todellakaan joudu näkemään nälkää :D Innolla odotan mitä muutoksia saan aikaiseksi, ja tuleeko maitotuotteiden poisjättäminen tekemään hyvää vatsalle.

Ylimmässä kuvassa on lähtötilanne, jolloin en ole treenannut joulun jälkeen. Alimmassa kuvassa näkyy kaikki vitamiinit jotka otan joka aamu: D-vitamiini, Sinkki, Omega-3 kalanmaksaöljy, omenasiiderieikka ja puhdas aloe vera. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Studi Pollini

Today we went to Stockmann to look at the lights. I decided on one ceiling lamp that I think will look very nice in my bedroom. But since they didn't have it at the shop, they had to order it from the storage. So I will have to wait for a while until I get it.

However, I did use som of my gift cards on a pair of good quality winter shoes. These Studio Pollini suede boots are super comfy and warm, and they will be perfect for the snowy and cold days to come. They were half prize, so from the real price 275€ I payed only half. The boots are good quality and will last for a long time. I think these boots will be more suitable for the Finnish winter than UGG boots for instance :)

Käytiin tänään Stockalla katsomassa kattolamppuja. Päädyin yhteen, mutta en saanut sitä vielä mukaani, sillä lamppua ei ollut kaupassa muuta kuin mallikappaleena. Joudun nyt siis odottamaan muutaman päivän kun he tuovat sen tehtaalta.

Käytin kuitenkin osan lahjakorteistani näihin talvikenkiin. Nämä Studio Pollinin mokkabuutsit ovat todella lämpimät ja mukavat, ja kestävät varmasti pitkään. Nämä sopivat mielestäni paremmin suomen talveen, kuin esimerkiksi UGGit. Buutsit olivat 275€ mutta alessa maksoin niistä vain puolet :)


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lights and selfies!

So now it is back to basics. I am happy to get back in to the normal routine, which is good for my mind and body. Im also going to do some changes in my diet, but I will write about that later. 

I have got a bigger gift card to Stockmann, and I am thinking what to buy. First I was looking at good quality shoes, coats and bags, but my friend said I should think about maybe buying something bigger for the house, like a lamp or something similar. When I tought about it I realized I actually need a ceiling light in my bedroom, so I did some research in what lights Stockmann offers. I found these ones that I really like!

Nyt ollaan takaisin arjessa ja rutiineissa, mikä varmasti on hyväksi mielelleni ja keholleni. Saavutettuani rutiinit ja tasapainon aion myös tehdä hieman muutoksia ruokavaliooni, mutta siitä kerron myöhemmin.

Olen saanut muutaman isomman lahjakortin Stockalle, ja olen miettinyt mitä sieltä hankkisin. Olen katsellut laadukkaita takkeja, kenkiä ja laukkuja, mutta en ole löytänyt vielä mitään miellytävää. Sitten ystäväni ehdotti että kannattaisi varmaan hankkia jotakin isompaa kotiin, kuten valaisimen tai muuta hieman kalliimpaa. Hetken pohdittuani totesin että tarvitsen kyllä uuden kattolampun makuuhuoneeseeni, joten katsastin sitten Stockan lamppuvalikoiman netistä. Näihin lamppuihin ihastuin! 

The middle one is made out of feathers, and would fit perfectly to the bedroom :) Let's see what they look like live.

Today I found some really good sale products from Seppälä. I found this black kimono robe and these soft cozy socks for a -70% sale.

Keskimmäinen lamppu on tehty sulista, joten se sopisi mainiosti makkariin :) Saa nähdä miltä nämä näyttävät livenä.

Tänään löysin pari juttua Seppälästä hyvällä alennuksella. Tämä musta silkkikimono sekä super pehmeät olo-sukat(??) -70% alessa.

My cozy socks!

Last some pictures from the weekend at mom's and some selfies :D

Lopuksi muutama maisemakuva viikonlopulta Sipoosta, sekä muutama selfie :D