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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday shopping

When I took some of my clothes to the flea market, I decided that with the money I get from there I will buy some nice clothes I need, in stead of some old rags. So today I took the money I had earned at the flea market and headed to Itis. I wanted to find nice pants for work, but I did not. In stead I found these Items form Zara (where else). I noticed that the shops are full of black clothes. I know it is part of autumn, but I would like to see more different fall colours.

This is what I found in Zara.

Kun vein vaatteitani kirpparille, päätin että tienaamallani rahoilla ostan uusia vaatteita joita tarvitsen. Joten tänään otin kirpparitienestini ja marssin Itikseen. Löysin muutaman ihanan vaatteen. Muhkea neule, siisti paita ja beiget farkut. Olisin halunnut löytää siistit työhousut, mutta en löytänyt hyvin istuvia mistään. Täytyy varmaan jatkaa etsimistä.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I have still been a bit sick, so I've been resting a lot after work and trying to take it easy. Last weekend I was at mom's place relaxing. We went to the woods and found loads of mushrooms, so now I have been eating a lot of mushroom risotto, yummy!

I don't have anything special to write about, so I thought I'd share pictures from the last few weeks. 

Olen ollut hieman sairaana joten iltani ovat menneet lepäillessä. Viime viikolla olin äidillä hoivattavana, käytiin sienimetsässä jossa löytyi paljon suppiksia. Nyt olenkin syönyt suppilovahverorisottoa koko viikon :) nam!

Mulla ei ole mitään erityistä asiaa, joten ajattelin jakaa muutaman kuvan menneiltä viikoilta.

I changed my nail colour during the week many times. Normally I wear the same colour for weeks.

Lakkasin kynteni useamman kerran viikolla. Normaalisti minulla on sama väri kynsissä pitkään.

These are the woods we wandered.

Näissä metsissä vaellettiin.

It was raining leafs. 

Satoi lehtiä.

Too cold for the chicken too?

Liian kylmää jopa kanoille?

I watched the birds migrate to warmer climates...

Katsoin muuttolintujen etelänmatkaa...

I got my nails done and got the nail polishes I ordered in the mail!

Kävin kynsihuollossa, ja sain tilaamani kynsilakat postista!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Im feeling slightly fluish today so I wanted to give my body loads of vitamins. I found a chia pudding recipe I have been wanting to try for a long time. It is super easy, super healthy and super good!

Mulla on ollut hieman flunssainen olo, joten päätin antaa keholleni kunnon vitamiinipommin. Olen halunnut kokeilla tätä reseptiä jo pitkään, joten hain chiat kaupasta ja rupesin hommiin. Tämä on todella helppoa, terveellistä ja hyvää!

Mix the banana and coconut milk until smooth. Blend in the chia seeds and pour in to glasses and let it set in the fridge for at least 30 min. Serve with fresh mango!

Sekoita banaani ja kookosmaito sileäksi tehosekoittimella. Lisää chiat ja jaa laseihin. Anna jäähtyä jääkaapissa ainakin 30 minuuttia. Tarjoile tuoreiden mangoviipaleiden kanssa!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Get Inspirational!!!

This post is slightly different from my previous posts. I want to keep this blog to more shallow things, but I also want to spice it up a little by writing about deeper things and opening up my thoughts more to you. Sometimes when your goals in life feels lost or blurry it is good to refocus what it is you are struggling for every day. I think it is important to remember that every one of us are fighting our own battles, we all have our own goals, and take that into account when you encounter and interact with people. We have the freedom of choice, the choice to choose the mindset we have in daily situations.

I ran into this guy on YouTube, Robin Sharma. He is an author and inspirational speaker and has an energy that I get drawn to. Many of the things he says are very self-evident, but get forgotten in every day life and in the way we perceive things and situations. So it is good to get reminded of and reboosted (is that a word?) towards our goals in life. Try to find passion in the things you do, and if you don't find it, make a change.

"The seduction of safety is often more dangerous than the perception of uncertainty" - Robin Sharma

In social media you often see pictures, post, memes etc. about haters. People put a lot of effort in analyzing their haters and critics and defending their own doings. I never understood the "haters gonna hate"...blaah stuff. It is good to notice criticism, but what you do next is crucial for your own success. Robin is spot on with his points in this video.

Here are some of my other favourite videos from him.



Sunday, October 5, 2014

B-Day Celebration

I have not forgotten about my blog, I have just been busy, and to be honest, this weather does not wake any inspirational wonders in me. So that's why it's been a bit quiet on the blog. I will try to write more again.

Anyway, yesterday we celebrated the birthday of two of my friends. We had good food and drinks. Thanks to my lovely girls for last night! <3

En ole unohtanut blogiani, olen vain ollut aika kiireinen, ja rehellisesti sanottuna, en koe mitään inspiraation ihmeitä tässä säässä. Sen takia on ollut hieman hiljaisempaa blogin puolella. Yritän kuitenkin taas tsempata :)

Eilen vietettiin kahden ystäväni synttäretiä hyvän ruoan ja juoman merkeissä. Kiitos ihanat tytöt eilisestä! <3

I never liked these plastic telephone wire ponytail holders. But last night I tried one, and I might have to buy one :)

En ole aikaisemmin oikein innostunut näistä puhelinlankapampulat. Mutta kun eilen kokeilin niitä omiin hiuksiini, jouduin toteamaan että ehkä minunkin on hankittava sellainen :)