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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sale haul

Today I went to fix my nails. I wanted a different colour for new years,so I went with a bright neon colour. It is really bright, so I will probably change it as soon as we are on the new years' side :) 

After that I met a friend for coffee and checked out the sales in the city.

Kävin tänään huollattamassa kynteni, ja halusin uuden vuoden kunniaksi hieman räikeämmän värin. Kynsihuollon jälkeen lähdin keskustaan tapaamaan kaveriani.

 So I promised to show what I got myself from Estonia. As I said, unfortunately our time ran out, so we didn't have that much time to shop, but these are the items I found. Everything is from River Island.

A glitter skirt
Faux fur bag
Faux leather skirt with a slit

I think the faux fur clutch is super cute, and the leather skirt will be perfect for spring. The glitter skirt might be the star for tonight!

Lupasin näyttää mitä ostin itselleni Tallinnan alennusmyynneistä. Löysin yhden glitterihameen, yhden tekonahkahameen ja tekoturkislaukun. Kaikki ovat River Islandin liikkeestä. Tekoturkispikkulaukku on mielestäni todella söpö! Nahkahame on täydellinen keväälle, ja glitterihame saa tänään kimmeltää kilpaa ilotulitteiden kanssa :)

This is what I found in the sales in Zara earlier this week. The oversized knit and the tartan scarf. The scarf is actually from the mens side :) 

The faux fur coat in the last picture I found today from a shop in Forum called Flash. I never visit that shop, but this time I went in and found this last pice for a bargain. I really like the material of the coat, can't wait to use it!

Tässä muita alelöytöjä aikaisemmin viikolta. Neule ja huivi ovat molemmat Zarasta. Huivi on miesten osastolta :)

Käyn hyvin harvoin Forumissa sijaitsevaan Flash naistenvaateliikkeeseen, mutta tänään kävin. Onnekseni löysin todella hyvällä alennuksella olleen tekoturkiksen. Se on ihanan pehmeä ja kangas on muutenkin hyvin miellyttävän tuntuista. En malta odottaa että saan pukea sen päälle tänään :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Yesterday me and my friend Jenna traveled to Tallin for one day. We had reserved treatments at a spa close to the harbour. The spa was called Kalev Spa and it is attached to a hotel. We both had a treatment called Bali spa, which included a scrub and an oil massage. It was really relaxing and a good experience overall. The price was not bad either.

Eilen kävimme ystäväni Jennan kanssa päiväreissulla Tallinnassa. Olimme varanneet Balispa hoidot Kalev Spassa, joka sijaitsee lähellä  satamaa. Hoidossa tehtiin kuorinta ja öljyhieronta. Kokemus oli rentouttava. Voin suositella Kalev Spata. Hinta hoidolle oli myös hyvä.

After the treatments we walked to Virukeskus to check out some shops. This time is a really good shopping time in Tallin. The sales are on fire and you can still find good deals. We did not have so much time left afer the spa, but I still managed to get something for myself. I will show the shoppings later :).

Spa-hoidon jälkeen käveltiin Virukeskukseen jossa ehdittiin pyöriä hetki. Tämä aika on hyvä shoppailuaika Tallinnassa, sillä alet ovat juuri käynnistyneet ja kaupoissa voi vielä tehdä hyviä löytöjä :). Ostin muutaman jutun River Islandista, jotka näytän myöhemmin. 

At the boat we participated in a quiz and won!!! :D We won a trip to Stockholm! Lucky us! 

Osallistuimme laivalla tietovisaan jonka voitimme! :D Voitimme risteilyn Tukholmaan! Olimme niin iloisia! :D

On the ferry I bought one of my all time favourite perfumes that was on sale, YSL Parisienne. It is a big bottle and the scent is a very feminine rose scent. I love it. I have a lot of differentperfumes, since I like to mix them. Here are some of them.  

Laivalla löysin yhden kaikkien aikojen lempiparfyymeisäni alennuksessa. Tämä oli hyvä löytö, sillä pullo on iso. Mulla on paljon eri parfyymejä joita tykkään sekoitella. Tämä ihanan ruusuinen YSL Parisienne sopii kokoelmaani paremmin kuin hyvin!

Friday, December 26, 2014

My X-mas

My christmas celebration with my family started a few days before christmas. 

On Saturday 20th we celebrated with some friends, laughed a lot and exchanged gifts!

A few days before christmas we went to mom's place with my brother to prepare food and to prepare the house to christmas mode. This is really the best time of christmas. Preparing and waiting for the family and the loved ones to gather for christmas eve. 

This is me and my brother on our way to relatives to have porridge on christmas morning. This is an old tradition of our family.

Then we headed back home to prepare the christmas evening.

Finally the whole family has arrived, and we can start the christmas dinner!

After dinner it is time for some gifts. Apparently Rufus has been kind as well :)

This was the biggest gift of the evening!

Oh how good it is to just relax on christmas day.

On christmas day we gather with our other loved ones at my dad's place. We enjoy more food and exchange more gifts!


Here are some of our other activities during the christmas holidays!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pre Christmas pictures!

I wanted to share some of my pre Christmas pictures.

Wrapping christmas presents.

Eating good food.

Grandmas homemade macarons! Yum!

Someone wanted a bite...

Pancakes for breakfast.

Visiting christmassy Borgå with mom.

We have been walking in the Sibbo woods.

Some serious chilling.

More after sauna chilling.